























Rachel M

Safeguarding Lead





Ministry Support Assistant

Rachel H



Dewsbury Evangelical Church isn’t a building but a group of local people who know Jesus and want others to come to know him too. Get to know some of the members of our church by reading their stories below:


I came into contact with Dewsbury Evangelical Church through a science teacher at school. His in-laws led the youth work and he arranged for me to go along with them. I really enjoyed it and I made new friends who helped me cope with my parents’ separation and subsequent divorce.

I became a Christian when I was 14 at the end of a youth club weekend in Scarborough. Through studying the Bible that weekend I became acutely aware of my sinful heart and rebellion against God. I began to understand that I was not the person I thought I was and needed Jesus to save me from the punishment my sin deserves.

I considered, however, putting off asking Jesus to save me. I was only a youngster and had my whole life ahead of me. And I was not too keen on the reaction I might get from my family and friends if I declared I was serious about following Jesus. But all that changed when I was challenged regarding my certainty that I had a long life ahead of me! I feared the eternal punishment in hell that I was due and all I could do was flee to Jesus to save me. The moment I asked him it was as if a huge weight fell from my shoulders. I knew I was now at peace with God. I was forgiven.

Was it a flash in the pan? A teenage phase? Were it not for God’s daily kindness towards me (that I didn’t deserve) then it probably would have been. But since the day I came to know Jesus I have experienced his love through thick and thin. He was with me while away at university, during my days as a school teacher in London and now back here in Dewsbury again as a wife and mother.

Jesus is my one constant. His love towards me is unconditional, which is a good job, because I continue to need His forgiveness and help in my life. Thank you Jesus.


I’m Neil and I am in my 40s. I’m married and have two lively children making sure life is always fun!

My mum took me to church from an early age. When I was about 8 she began to take my brother, sister and me to Dewsbury Evangelical Church. I especially enjoyed the young people’s activities.

I started going to the evening services. Over the course of a few weeks I became more and more aware that my life didn’t please God and I needed to ask God for his forgiveness. On one occasion the speaker talked about Elijah’s challenge in a book of the Bible called 1 Kings: “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him.’ He seemed to be speaking directly to me! However the weeks went on and I kept putting it off.

When I was 16 I tried to put God to the back of my mind. But that summer I went on a holiday for young people in Austwick in North Yorkshire organised by Christians. There, once again, I felt convicted that Jesus had died for me so I could be forgiven for how I had treated God. I knew I needed to ask for his forgiveness and give control of my life over to him.

I began to pray and that week gave my life to Jesus; I became a Christian. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders! I wonderfully learnt that the Bible says ‘If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins’. In the years that have followed I have by no means become perfect! But I know God’s complete forgiveness, love and blessing on my life.