Reading Acts Together #11: Acts 5:12-42
There’s lots in here, so we’re going to spend a couple of blog posts looking at this section. For now, let us consider this: Was
There’s lots in here, so we’re going to spend a couple of blog posts looking at this section. For now, let us consider this: Was
In Acts 4:32-35, we have another summary of the early believers, much like the summary found in Acts 2:42-47. This summary emphasises their unity and
This little episode happens straight after the previous section, when Peter and John go back to ‘their own people’ and report back to them ‘all
This article is an adaption from a Dig Deeper talk on Fasting that you can listen to here. There is also a list of biblical
This is a list of all the references to fasting in the Bible. Other than the first five, that do not explicitly mention fasting, the
INTRODUCTION: In an interview in 2022 Hugh Jackman, famous for his iconic role of Wolverine in the X-Men franchise said he’s ‘a “a big fan”
Here’s an edited version of a talk I did on anxiety. Even though it is called ‘Dig Deeper’, it does not cover everything on such a vast and complex topic, and yet hopefully it will be of some help.
More reflections on Acts showing briefly how important the Old Testament is to the storyline of the New Testament!
What were the earliest Christians devoted to? Learn more as we continue to reflect on Acts together…
Here’s another reflection on Acts – looking at Peter’s first sermon in Jerusalem, with special reference to the resurrection.
Here’s the next little blog to help you navigate Acts…
An adaption on our Dig Deeper session looking at the Atonement.
This was a discussion we had in our Sunday evening table talks. The importance of loving God and what that looks like…
Seeking to rely on the Spirit more through understanding the person, promise, presence and power of the Spirit at work in His church.
As Christmas is coming let’s dive into one of the most important books on the incarnation which also helpfully points us to the cross – Anselm’s ‘Why God Became Man’
Need help with the background to some of the characters mentioned in 1 Kings 1-2? Here’s a little sketch of some key players…
As we start a new series in Galatians, here’s a short introduction to help us understand the letter better.
What do we do when God hides his face from us? When we don’t see his grace or glory in our lives? Here’s some help from John Owen
Our search for happiness will continue in 2023 – happy new year!
How well do you know 1 and 2 Kings? When was it written and why? Find out more here…
Because of the amount of secular teaching on homosexual behaviour as acceptable, even within the wider church, Christians need to be aware of this controversy and know how to answer it
The Apostles’ Creed is an early statement of what Christians believe. It’s worth pondering over for a few minutes.
What is prayer? With help from voices, old and new – we define prayer with the hope it will spur us to pray more!
How do we grapple with the differences and issues in the list of names at the beginning of Matthew’s account of Jesus.
This is something you might hear quite a lot when people talk about the resurrection – but is it true?
We all need to keep focussed when it comes to evangelism – PIPS is a strategy to get our hearts and heads ready to go!
There are many words and memories associated with Christmas. Here we explore 3 key ones that get to the heart of the Christmas story.
What is the Gospel? This is part 7/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 6/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 5/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 4/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 3/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 2/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
What is the Gospel? This is part 1/7 posts seeking to answer this question…
We all arrive at knowledge through various means – but at the end of the day we can learn a little from George Michael – we’ve gotta have faith!
In our last post about assurance we explore briefly why it is so important to belong to a local church and experience fellowship together.
Reflecting on Psalm 51:11 and the fears of David in his anguish and cry for mercy.
One vital ingredient for assurance in the Christian life is to never give up. We need to endure all for the sake of Christ.
This second post on the diamond of assurance looks at growth – the Christian life should be a life of growth. Here’s three C’s to grow in.
Assurance is something most Christians struggle with from time to time. This is 1/4 posts looking at the diamond of assurance.
Christians need to reclaim the happy high ground. Life in Jesus is the answer to true and ultimate happiness. All else is chasing after the wind…
We don’t like being challenged. Jesus will make us feel uncomfortable and question our beliefs – will you allow yourself to be challenged by him?
What do you think? Is Jesus someone you’d like to follow? Before you dismiss him, why not read about him here!
How persuasive do we think the gospel is? Should we aim to persuade? This post explores the importance of persuasion in evangelism and mission.
The resurrection is more than just a historical fact – it is foundational to who we are and how we act as Christians.
Why is Easter so important to Christians? Find out as we look at the crucifixion and resurrection together.
Hope is a central ingredient to our happiness. But we often take it for granted and when it is gone – where do we turn to?
Most people have a purpose that gives them meaning, even if they can’t articulate it. And this sense of purpose is a key ingredient to our happiness – but will it last?
The desire to be beautiful is huge in our society but it often goes hand-in-hand with low self-esteem and cannot last. But in Jesus we see beauty that doesn’t fade…
Many of us crave for justice in a way that impacts our happiness – but can justice really be satisfied without God?
Love is a key ingredient to our happiness but we know in this world it is fleeting – yet in Jesus we find a love that lasts.
We’re all looking for happiness somewhere, especially in these COVID times – have you considered looking for it in Jesus?
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